_Imām Ibn Qudāmah -rahimahullāh-_
Know verily that, some parts of prestige are praiseworthy while some parts are blameworthy, and in what is known of necessity is that, there is no doubt that, man must have some money to cater for his basic needs be it food, shelter and the likes.
Also, there is no doubt, he needs some level of esteem for his relationship with the creation for man needs a power that will protect him from external evils, and a friend that will assist him on his affairs, and a servant that will serve him, thus, his love for those needs are not blameworthy at all for esteem is a means that leads to different objectives be it wealth and the likes.
In summary, wealth and prestige should not be suit on themselves without a good intention for it.
Therefore, whenever a man suits a position because of what he possess of some certain qualities which makes him to be competent for the post due to good intention like the statement of prophet Yūsuf ‘alayhissalatu wasalam where He said:
_اجعلني على خزائن الأرض إني حفيظ عليم._
_Set me over the storehouses of the land for verily, I am a skilled custodian._{ Suratu Yūsuf, verse 55.} or to aim at hiding his shortcomings so that he can maintain his position, then, doing this is permissible.
But seeking a position due to what people thinks he possess whereas he has *none* of those qualities be it knowledge, piety, good progeny, then this act is disliked and blameworthy.
Likewise, beautifying his prayer in the front of others so that they can consider him to have some level of piety is a form of showing off in itself. Hence, it is not permissible to capture the hearts of others through fraudulence or falsification nor acquire wealth through deception or treachery.
*20th Shawwal,1438H.*
Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!