_Imām Ibn Qudāmah -rahimahullāh-_
And the treatment of fearing and disliking unnecessary blames from others is by treating the disease of love of praise, for it is its opposite.
For this, whosoever criticizes one, is either such a person is sincere in his criticism aiming to give admonition to one, then in this case, one is expected and recommended to bear the pain and not to be sad, for the person has tried by directing one to one’s errors.
And if his intention is just to castigate and slander, then he has harmed his deen whereas one has benefited with his exhortation. Also, he has thought and reminded one what one has forgotten.
And if he accused one of what one is free from, then should consider three things:
Firstly, if one is free from such accusations, then one is not free from other errors which Allāh Has made them hidden from others. For this, one should give much gratitude to Allāh for making such a person to talk about that which one is free from and not the hidden ones.
Secondly, such defamations expiates one’s sins.
Thirdly, the slanderer is only harming himself and his religion and Allāh will surely reward him accordingly for his act. Therefore, it is wājib upon him to quickly seek for forgiveness from Allāh and to promise not to go back to such act.
*26th Shawwal,1438H.*
Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!