Daily Posts

Show Off in terms of Nullifying Deeds



_Imām Ibn Qudāmah -rahimahullāh-_


Know verily that, when showoff set forth in the act of a servant, it either comes in after the end of the ‘Ibādah or before its end.

If the showoff comes in after the end of the ‘Ibādah and he was pleased with it without the intention of making the act apparent to others from the onset, then this showoff doesn’t nullify the act, because he has already ended the ibadah with sincerity and whatever comes in after that doesn’t affect the act especially if he doesn’t proclaim nor make it known to others.

However, if he talked about it after the completion of the ‘Ibādah and made it visible to others what he has done in hidden, then this is dangerous in itself. For most often than not, there is hidden showoff in the heart of such person from the onset of the ‘Ibādah.

And if he happens to be free of showoff, then he has reduced his reward because the good deeds done in secret have seventy stages higher than those done openly has mentioned by ulama.

But if the showoff comes in before the end of ibadah, like salah which was built on pure sincerity from the start, and the showoff doesn’t affect the nature of his salah by trying to beautify his salah, then this doesn’t have any impact on his salah

And if the showoff affects the nature of the deed, like for him to prolong the salah so that his status can be known to others, then this nullifies his reward completely.

Also, if the showoff was present from the onset of the act, like for him to stand up to pray only to showoff to others, and if he completed the salah like that, then the salah doesn’t hold because it is nullified totally even if he regretted his act of bad intention during the salah.

Thus, what is appropriate and proper, is for him to start the salah afresh with sincerity.

Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!

*24th Dhul Qa’dah, 1438H.*



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