_Imām Ibn Qudāmah -rahimahullāh-_
As for refraining from good deeds due to fear of showoff, if it is that which has to do with passing the limit of Allāh, then it is wajib for one to desist from such act because there is no obedience in transgressing the limits of Allāh Ta’āla.
However, if it is a good act upon the straight path of the deen, and it is mainly for the sake of Allāh Ta’āla, then the act should not be abandoned.
And likewise, one should not shun away from a good act due to what others may think of insincerity of one’s action because it is amongst the plots of shaitān. Rather, one should continue the act and seek assistance from Allāh Azzawajal.
In this context, Ibrāhīm An-nakha’ī said:
_If shaitan comes to you while you are in salah, and said to you: you are showing off your salah, then prolong the salah._
Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!
*7th Al-Muharram,1438H.*