_Imām Ibn Qudāmah -rahimahullāh-_
And amongst those ‘ulama, are those who busy themselves only with wa’dh and the highest of them in rank is the one who calls to the good attributes of the soul be it fear of Allāh, hoping for His Mercy, being patient on His path, showing gratitude for His blessings and relying upon Him, and having sincerity and certainty in Him.
However, due to the shallow understanding of these ‘ulama, they thought by mere calling to those good attributes of the soul without censoring their own soul first connotes that they are people of high status in the sight of Allāh, but in real sense, the opposite is true.
These type of ‘Ulama, call to the path of Allāh whereas they themselves are far from it. Hence, they are the worst people in terms of being deceived by the plots of shaitān.
And of those ‘Ulama are those who turn away from the straight path in wa’dh to the path of using emotions, exaltation, strange words and fabrications of statements which goes out of the fold of the shariah in order to attain some reputation in the sight of their students and to also increase the number of people attending their circle even though those ‘ulama might be calling to the wrong path.
Thus, these so called ‘Ulama are regarded as the shayātīn from amongst people.
Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!
*28th Jumāda Al-Ākhir,1439H.*