_Imām Ibn Qudāmah -rahimahullāh-_
Amongst them are those who are too meticulous regarding enjoining good and forbidding evil to the extent that they may neglect themselves.
And amongst them are those who are Imāms in Masājid. However, if someone who is more knowledgeable and more submissive to Allāh than them is chosen as the Imām, they become upset.
Amongst them are those who serve as muazzin in the mosque and consider such act to be for the sake of Allāh. But, if another person called the prayer in their absence, it aggravates them and they will say:
_So so person is rivaling for my post due to envy._
And amongst them, are those who stick to excessive Zuhd in terms of wealth, food, wears, and they attached themselves to staying in Masājid.
And they assumed that, by these acts of theirs, they have gotten to the level of zuh-hād. Whereas, their hearts are full of greediness, love of leadership and position.
Thus, they have neglected those matters which are less severe in terms of calamities and stick to those fallacies which are more dangerous.
And others amongst them, are those who are too meticulous regarding supererogatory prayers but they are careless concerning obligatory prayers.
Hence, they may feel comfortable when praying salātu duha, salātu lail, and they find joy in it. But, neither did they find such sweetness in the obligatory prayers nor did they hasten to pray it at the appropriate time.
Therefore, they have forgotten the statement of the Messenger salallāhu ālayhi wasallam in the Hadīth of Qudsi which was reported from Abū Hurairah radiyallāhu who said: The Messenger of Allāh salallāhu ālayhi wasallam said:
_…..َﻭَﻣَﺎ ﺗَﻘَﺮَّﺏَ ﺇِﻟَﻰَّ ﻋَﺒْﺪِﻱ ﺑِﺸَﻰْﺀٍ ﺃَﺣَﺐَّ ﺇِﻟَﻰَّ ﻣِﻤَّﺎ ﺍﻓْﺘَﺮَﺿْﺖُ ﻋَﻠَﻴْﻪِ،…_
_”….And the most beloved things with which My slave comes nearer to Me, is what I have enjoined upon him;…._
And lastly, know that, there is no act except it has a pit which may lead to deception and whoever is heedless of it may fall into it. Thus, whoever wants to know it, should check the chapter *The Self Deception* in this book of ours and he should also check the calamities of showoff that is found in some Ibādāt such as fasting, As-salāh, and all other ‘Ibādāt.
Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!
*16th Rajab,1439H.*