Distribution of Status in the Hereafter on the Ground of Good and Bad Acts in the Dunya 04

_Imām Ibn Qudāmah -rahimahullāh-_
As for the saved ones, we mean those who are saved without favoring them, they are those who neither service the king let alone favoring them nor fall short of their obligations thereby deserving punishment.
Perhaps this may be the case of the insane person or the children of the kuffār those who neither the Da’wah get to them nor have knowledge, obedience, sins, and this may be in the case of the people of _Al-A’rāf._
As for the favored ones, they are knowledgeable and devout worshippers of Allāh, they are the closest and foremost to Him.
They are those who know not what is hidden for them of that which will refresh the eyes, and they are not only keen to enter Jannah, Rather their biggest motive is to meet Allāh Ta’āla and to take a look at Him.
And their similitude is as though the case of a Darling loved one, who neither care for himself nor that which may affect him except that of his beloved ones.
These type of people are on their path to attain that which will delight their eyes, may Allāh count us amongst them, Āmīn.
Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!
*15th Dhul Qa’dah,1439H.*