_Imām Ibn Qudāmah -rahimahullāh-_
_Explanation On What Changes Minor sins into Major sins._
Know verily – May Allāh illumine your Heart – that, Minor sins used to turn into Major due to some Asbāb, amongst them are:
Insistence and persistence.
And know that, forgiveness from a Major sin which has been committed but it’s not followed by its kind later nor repeated is more hopeful than a minor sin which is constantly persisted on by a servant.
And the Similitude of this is as though drops of water which is constantly dropping on a certain stone, there is no doubt that, those drops will surely have effect on the stone which can be seen apparently. However, if those drops were gathered together and poured on the stone at a time, it won’t have a serious effect on it like the former.
For this reason, the Rasūl sallallāhu a’layhi wasallam was reported to have said:
_أحب العمل إلى الله أدومه وأن قل._
_The most beloved deed to Allāh is the most constant even though it is little._
Amongst those Asbāb which turn Minor sins into Major sins is *for one to belittle the Sin* , for the more the servant sees sins being great, the lesser it will be in the sight of Allāh Ta’āla and the reverse is true. For it is because the magnification of the sins comes from his heart and his hatred towards it.
It was Reported in the Sahīhayn that Ibn Mas’ūd Radiyallāhu anhu said:
_Verily, a believer sees his sins like a mountain which he fears it may fall on him, while the Fājir views his sins Like a fly which may just fall on his nose, he raises his hand towards it, consequently, it flies away._
And sins are magnified in the heart of the believer due to his knowledge about Allāh Ta’āla, if he should take a look at the magnificent of the one He offended, then he sees his minor sins as great.
In Sahīh of Al-Bukhārī from the Hadīth of Anas Radiyallāhu anhu who said:
_Verily, You people do commit sins which seem in your eyes as tiny than hair while we used to consider those deeds during the lifetime of the Prophet sallallāhu a’layhi wasallam as mūbiqāt( destructive sins)._
Bilāl Ibn Sa’d Rahimahullāh was reported to have said:
_Do not look at the littleness of the sin, Rather, look at the Magnificent of the One you offended._
Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!
*16th dhul Qa’dah, 1439H.*