Imām Ibn Qudāmah -rahimahullāh- said:
Know verily that, patience is one of the traits of a man, such attitude is not expected to be found amongst the animals due to their deficiencies and the predominance of desires. And it is not also expected to be found amongst Angels because they are completely free of any desire.
As for man, he has been created right from his childhood as a weak person like animals. Hence, in his nature, he has the desires of eating, fun, amusement, and desires of marriage, and he cannot stick to patience in every circumstance.
Moreover, when his intellect develops, the light of guidance appears from the time he can differentiate between bad and good, and it grows to the stage of his maturity.
However, it is guidance that’s not perfect because no one to guide it to the masālih of the Hereafter. But when the knowledge of the Shar’ is attached to it, it guides to the Hereafter and its goodness increases, except that the heart always seek for that which it desires, but the shar’ and the sound intellect always curb it. Hence, there is a strong battle between them.
Therefore, whosoever remains patient from unlawful desires is considered amongst the patient ones, but, if he allows his desires to overcome him, then, he is of the people that follow the footsteps of the shayātīn.
Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!
*3rd Al-Muharram,1440H.*