Imām Ibn Qudāmah -rahimahullāh- said:
5). The reward for calamities if one is patient is inestimable at the end, and also, the fitna of this dunya pave way to attain Hereafter.
For instance, it will be a great blessing at the Long run for a child to be prevented from playing at his childhood. For if he was allowed to play, that would have hindered him from knowledge and Adāb, and he would have regretted for the rest of his life in the future.
Likewise, wealth, family, relatives and friends may serve as means for the destruction of a servant.
And indeed, the perished ones in the Hereafter would have wished that they were as though insane and children in this dunya and they submitted to the deen of Allāh without relying on their intellect.
Hence, whatever befalls one of a calamity or dislike is for the goodness of one’s deen. Therefore, one is highly recommended to think good of Allāh ‘Azzawajal, and to be optimistic for whatever happened and to also thank Allāh for it. For the wisdom of Allāh Taā’la is spacious, and He is the one that knows best the masālih of His servants.
And verily, a servant will certainly thank Allāh for the adversities on the Day of resurrection when he sees the great reward assigned to him, the way a child will be thankful to his parent when matured for discipline and education he acquired through them after tasting the sweetness of knowledge.
Hence, adversities is just as though a means for purification from Allāh Taā’la, and His mercy and sympathy is greater than that of the parents to their children.
In this context, the Rasūl salallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam said:
_لا يقضي الله للمؤمن قضاء إلا كان خيرا له_
_Allāh Never decrees anything for a believer except it is good for him._
Transmitted by Imām Ahmad(3/117), and Ibn Abī Ad-dunyah. Shaykh Al-Albānī declared it as Sahih in “As-sahīhah(148).
*14th Jumāda Ath-thānī,1440H.*