Imām Ibn Qudāmah -rahimahullāh-
Thus, Hope is defined as man’s anticipation of a good thing, but such good expectation must have a cause or means to attain it.
If there is no well known means for it at all, then it is termed Tamanniyan (wishful thinking)
The word Hope and Fear is only applicable to a matter that’s not decisive, since it is not possible for one to say: I hope the sun will rise and I fear it may set; because it is decisive and certain regarding its rising and setting, but it may be said: I hope that rain will fall and I fear it may not rain.
The people of the deep foresight and knowledge have already realized that, this transitory world is as though a farm for the Hereafter, and the heart as though its field and Imān as though sowing in it, and obedience serves to purify and beautify the field which resembles the heart by providing it with the necessary needs like water and the likes.
However, the hearts that’s totally engrossed with dunya is as though a land of salt where no seeds grow.
And the Day of Resurrection is as though the day of harvest for the field, and no one will harvest except that which he/she planted, and seeds will not grow in the field except the one who planted Imān, and it is hardly for the Imān to be beneficial within a disease heart which possesses bad characters, the way it is impossible for a seed to germinate in a salty land.
Hence, it is highly recommended that the hope of a servant for forgiveness should be compared to that of a farmer.
Therefore, whoever seeks a pure land, planted a good seeds that’s disease free, then waters it with adequate water in the best period of time, and also purifies it from grasses and from all what may affect the seed, then seats waiting for the bounty of Allah to push away thunder and any form of destructive calamity which may affect the seed, till the seed germinate and get to its term, this is what is called Hope in real sense.
Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!
2nd Sha’bān,1440H.