Imām Ibn Qudāmah -rahimahullāh-
Fear; The Threat of Allah Ta’āla.
Know verily – may the blessings of Allah be upon you – that, fear is the threat of Allah Ta’ala which Allah uses to drive His servants towards searching for knowledge of the shariā and implementing it so that they may be closed to Him thereof.
Fear has extreme, moderate, and defective aspects. But what’s praiseworthy amongst these aspects, is that of the moderate aspect, it is as though the stick to an animal, and the stick is always needed for the upright of the animal, even though neither excessive beating nor defective is praiseworthy, this is what’s found when listening to the Holy Qur’an, which causes shedding of tears.
But when the heart returns to heedlessness on the absence of the fear, then this form of fear is defective and the benefit is low, it is as though hitting a strong animal with a tiny stick, it neither hurts it nor pushes it to the desired objective nor rectifies its nature.
This is the case of most of the people, except the people of deep insight and the ulamā, and they are indeed scarce in this era, as for the charlatans, then they are the most distant from fearing Allah amongst people.
Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!
13th Sha’abān, 1440H.