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Fear of the Salaf



Imām Ibn Qudāmah -rahimahullāh-

Fear of the Salaf.

Hirim bn Hayyān said:

I wish I was a tree eaten by camel, then excreted as feaces, without facing any accountability on the day of Qiyāmah, for I fear the greatest disaster on that day.

It was reported that whenever ‘Aliyy Bn Al-Husain performs ablution his face became dull, he was then asked about it. He replied: Do you really know before whom I am going to stand?

And it was also reported that Muhammad Bn Wāsi’ used to shed tears the whole night unstopped.

And Whenever death is mentioned in front of ‘Umar bn ‘Abdul-‘Azīz he shakes like bird, and sheds tears until his beard became wet. He wept one night and the household also wept, his daughter fātimah asked: Oh Amīru Al-muminīn, why did you weep? He replied: I remembered the departure of people before Allāh Ta’āla on the day of Qiyāmah, some groups go to Jannah, while others to Hell, he then screamed and lost his consciousness.

When Al-Mansūr visited Baitu Al-Maqdis he visited a monk by whom ‘Umar Bn’Abdul-‘Azīz used to stay with and said to him: Tell me about the most amazing thing you found in ‘Umar, he replied:

there was a night he paid me a visit and decided to sleep on the roof of my house made of marble, thus, I noticed some drops of water drooping. I went upstairs and found him on sujud and tears of his eyes drop through the gutter.

And it was reported that ‘Umar bn’Abdul-‘Azīz once shedded tears of blood.

Ibrāhīm Bn ‘Īsa Al-Yashkarī said:

I visited a man from Al-Bahrain who has secluded himself from others, he was remembered about the affair of the Hereafter and death. Unfortunately, the man took a deep audible breath which led to his death.

Masma’ Said:

I attended a gathering where ‘Abdulwāhid bn Zaid was giving admonition, suddenly, four persons amongst those who are present passed away due to the intense admonition.

And it was reported that Yazīd bn Murshid used to weep alot and he used to say:

Wallāh, if my Lord Has promised to cap me in the bath, I would never stopped shedding tears, then how about He Has already threatened to enclose me in hell if I disobey Him?

As-sirrī As-saqtī said:

I used to check and look at my nose everyday less my face has turned to back due to sins.

Allāhu A’alam.
Bārakallāhu fīkum.

3rd Dhū Al-Qa’adah, 1440H.





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