Imām Ibn Qudāmah Al-Maqdisi-rahimahullāh-
Love of Allāh
Know verily – may the blessings of Allāh be upon you – that, love of Allāh is the highest goal one can ever compete for.
And longing for Allāh depends on one’s love for Allāh Ta’āla. And this can never be achieved except through repentance, patience, Zuhd.
Also know that, the Ummah generally has unanimously agreed that love for Allāh and His Rasūl Salallāhu ”alayhi wasallam is Wājib upon every Muslim.
The love of the Rasūl Salallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam results from one’s love for Allāh. Likewise the love of the ‘Ulama and the righteous ones. Thus, no one is supposed to be loved like Allāh Ta’āla.
To make it more clearer, we will say:
1). Man naturally love himself, love to live and he hate death. And all these are solely controls by Allāh Ta’āla. Knowing this by man, necessitates his love for Allāh.
2). Man naturally love those who do good to him, support him in his endeavors and hate those who do bad to him. Knowing that Allāh Ta’āla is the source of every good and benefits necessitates the love for Allāh in the heart of His pious servant.
3). And that benefactor is naturally loved even if his ihsān doesn’t reach one. For example, knowing the just, knowledgeable, devout, kind, and generous of a king in a far place, one will naturally love him. This love is as a result of his kindness and not to even mention whether his kindness ever got to one.
And this necessitates the love for Allāh Ta’āla. In fact, it necessitates not to love anyone but Him. For Allāh is the source of every mercy and kindness and His bounties are uncountable.
And He says:
_وإن تعدوا نعمت الله لا تحصوها…_
_And if you count Allah’s favor, you will not be able to number them…_
And likewise we say: whoever is attributed with knowledge, or power, or is free from blameworthy acts, these will surely necessitate love for him. The attributes of the righteous ones which the pious servant naturally love result from the love they have for Allāh Ta’āla, His Angels, Books, Messengers and their pure characters, as well as their ability in censuring their hearts and safeguarding themselves from blameworthy attributes. For these good attributes, the prophets- ‘alayhimussalāt wasallam- are loved.
And when these good attributes are compared to that of Allāh Ta’āla, then they become nothing to say about.
As for knowledge, then Allāh know the past, the present, thus, He is the sole source of knowledge. Not the weight of an atom become absent from Him, in the heaven or in the earth, and neither less than that nor greater.
And as for the attribute of power and strength, then Allāh is Omnipotent. When the power of all creatures are compared to that of Allāh Ta’āla, one will find that the most powerful amongst human in terms of strength, kingdom, cannot safeguard himself from harm nor benefit himself. And cannot protect himself from death. In fact, he cannot even protect himself against blindness, dumbness, deafness or illness. Rather, Allāh Ta’āla is the creator of everything in the universe and He controls everything.
Allāh is One and He has no partner. He is one whom all depend. He is the sole self sufficient, Al-qādir who does whatever He wants, He judges the way He deem, His decree are decisive. Thus, He is the only One Worthy of unrestricted love and praises, Subhānahu Wa Ta’āla.
11th Rabī’ul Awwal, 1441H.