Imām Ibn Qudāmah Al-Maqdisi-rahimahullāh-
The Essence of Sincerity.
Know that, everything can be affected by impurities, but when purified, it is called sincere.
Unfaithfulness is the opposite of sincerity, hence, whoever is not sincere, is also not faithful, except that the unfaithfulness is of different stages.
Sincerity in Tawhīd is the opposite of shirk. And the shirk is either apparent or hidden, likewise sincerity in other aspects of the Dīn.
For example: for one to fast in order to be healthy and in order to move closer to Allāh, or one may set a slave free to get ride of His maintenance or bad attitude.
Thus, whenever one’s main goal is getting closer to Allāh Ta’āla, but another end is added to it so that the deed become easier, then such a person is not regarded as a sincere person.
And it is very hard to find amongst people deeds which are not preluded with a goal, that’s why it was said:
Whoever attains pure sincerity for Allāh Ta’āla just for a while in his whole life will be amongst the successful ones.
And this is due to the greatest and virtue of sincerity and difficulty of purifying one’s heart from its obstacles.
In this regard, Sahl was asked:
What’s the most difficult thing for the soul? He replied: Sincerity, since there is no share in it.
And know that, the impurities which affect sincerity command different degree, some are apparent while others are hidden.
And of showoff, are those which are hardly noticed, for no one can escape the plot of shaītan except those with deep insight and with the assistance of Allāh Ta’āla.
And it was said: the two raka’āt of an ‘Ālim is better than seventy raka’āt of a Jāhil. Reason being that, the ‘Ālim ponders over the essence and secret of his deeds until he purify them from the impurities, while the Jāhil only looks towards the outer part of his ibādat.
Allāhu A’alām.
Bārakallāhu fīkum.
Jazākumullahu Khayran.
20th Jumādal Ūla, 1441H.