Imām Abūl ‘Abbās Ahmad bn ‘Abdul-Halīm bn Taymiyah – Rahimahullāhu
يا سائلي عن مذهبي وعقيدتي
رزق الهدى من للهداية يسأل
Oh You who asked of my madh’ab and my ‘Aqīdah(creed)
May He be nourished with Guidance the One who seeks for it.
The Shaykh applied the commonly used vocative particle( يا) to draw the attention of the listener to what he wants to convey and not that the noun(the questioner) is definite. From this, we can deduce that a learner is encouraged and recommended to ask questions regarding those matters which are not clear to him in the aspects of the Dīn.
Also, whenever an ‘Ālim is asked a question, then it is necessary for him to respond to the question especially when they are specifically directed to him. Madh’ab means school of thought like the four schools of thought. Madhab has to do with furū’u(branches of the Dīn, and Aqīdah is the usūl(foundation).
However, going through the contents of the poem, the Shaykh only talked about matters of the ‘Aqīdah. Hence, the madhab here means that which has to do with matters of the ‘Aqidah.(Creed). Therefore, Hasten to learn about that which you don’t know of your Dīn so that you may prosper.
Allāhu A’alām.
Bārakallāhu fīkum.
Jazākumullahu Khayran.
25th Shawwal, 1441H.