Imām Abū ‘Abdullah Muhammad bn Abī Bakr bn Ayyub Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah
Then Allāh Ta’āla told us about the dispute between the kuffār and the shayātīn in sūratu As-saāffāt and Al-A’arāf, and the dispute between people on the Day of Resurrection in sūratu Az-zumar, and told us about the dispute of the dwellers of Hell in sūratu Ash-shu’arāh, and sūratu Sād.
Then He told us that such punishment for the disbelievers can never be altered, it’s already ordained. Also, His promise to the people of Īmān of entering Jannah has already been decreed.
Ibn ‘Abbās Rahimahullāhu said:
_Meaning, the promise of Allāh Ta’āla concerning the people who obey or disobey will never be changed._
Mujāhid Rahimahullāhu said:
_Meaning, I have already decided what I had decreed._
And others said, what it meant is that:
Words would never be changed in my sight just because of lies or deceptions the way it may occur in the presence of kings or rulers. And the meaning of the words is the words of those who dispute with each other, and this is the opinion upheld by Al-Farrā and Ibn Qutaibah.
Al-Farrā said:
_Meaning, lies will never be told in My presence because of my knowledge of the hiddens._
Ibn Qutaibah:
_Words can never be twisted nor changed in My presence._
Allāhu A’alām.
Bārakallāhu fīkum.
Jazākumullahu Khayran.
12th Rajab, 1442H.