Imām Abū ‘Abdullah Muhammad bn Abī Bakr bn Ayyub Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah
Then Allāh Ta’ala Commanded man to eat from His provision, which He provided for Man. He subjugated it for them, provided them with roads in which they walk on. And He mentioned the preparation of residence for benefit and moving around it, eating from that which is provided for the resident.
And He also says: Ilayhin- nushūr,( and to Him will be the resurrection).
Meaning that, our staying in this life is for temporary not for eternity. And we are just as though a passerby. Therefore, it doesn’t make sense for us to take it as a permanent home. But we are to prepare for our permanent home by utilizing it’s provision to serve our goal.
The verse also Indicates the Rububiyyah of Allāh Ta’ala, His power, wisdom, Mercy, the remembrance of his favors and His kindness. And it warns against inclining towards the Dunya and taking it as a permanent abode. Rather, we are encouraged to hasten to Allāh Ta’ala and His paradise.
Thus, the verse talks about the tawhid of Allāh Ta’ala, His Zikr His favors, encouraging towards Hastening to Allah and the preparation to meet Him. And knowing that, Allāh Ta’ala will surely roll up this world as if it had not existed and then He will resurrect its people after He caused them to die, and indeed to Him will be the resurrection.
Allāhu A’alām.
Bārakallāhu fīkum.
Jazākumullahu Khayran.
2nd Sha’abān, 1443H.