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Advice to Ponder Upon



Imām Abū Hamīd
Al-Ghazali – Rahimahullāhu

Oh beloved Son, ponder on the advice so that you may attain prosperity.

Imagine being told that a king will pay you a visit in the coming weekend. Off course, before his arrival, you will busy yourself amending that which you think the king might cast his view on. Be it your appearance, cloth, cushion and the likes.

Now reflect over what I said, for you are intelligent and genius and a word is enough for the wise one.

The Rasūl Salallāhu’alayhi wasallam said:

Verily, Allāh doesn’t look at your appearance nor your wealth, but He considers your heart and deeds.

Transmitted by Imām Muslim#1987.

If you want to know the knowledge which talks about the heart, then check the book Al-Ihyā and others amongst my books. This Knowledge is obligatory on a person ( fard ‘In) and others are fard kifāyah except that which are needed to perform the obligatory aspects of the Dīn, may Allāh bestow upon you Tawfīq to attain them, Āmīn.

4). Never gather more than what is necessary of your needs, be it food or shelters.

For the Rasūl Salallāhu’alayhi wasallam said:

Oh Allāh make the sustenance of the family nourishing.

Transmitted by Imām At-tirmidhī#2361.

These are what I have to say regarding your request. Hence, work with them and don’t forget me in your supplications.

Allāhu A’alām.
Bārakallāhu fīkum.
Jazākumullahu Khayran.

6th Shawwal, 1441H.





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