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Al-Fawāid: Attributes of the Pious Ones



Imām Abū ‘Abdullah Muhammad bn Abī Bakr bn Ayyub Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah

Allāh Ta’āla told us that the Jannah is close to the pious ones. Here are some of the attributes of these pious people:

1). They frequently return to Allah Ta’āla for repentance and stick to Zikr.

‘Ubaid Ibn ‘Umayr said:

_The repentant is the one who remembers his sin and seek for forgiveness thereof._

And Mujāhid Rahimahullāhu said:

_The Repentant is the one who remembers his shortcomings in hidden and seek for forgiveness._

And Sa’Īd Ibn Al-Musayyab said:

The Repentant is the one who remembers his sins and seek for forgiveness, and then commits sins ad seek for forgiveness again.

He safeguards his covenant with Allāh Ta’āla. Qutādah said: Meaning, he preserves what Allāh gave him of His blessings.

Know that, the soul has two major power. The power to seek and the power to preserve. The Repentant person uses the power of seeking to ask for forgiveness from Allāh, His pleasure and obedience. The power of preserving is used to keep him away from sins and All that is forbidden. The Repentant person comes nearer to Allāh by obeying Him.

Allāhu A’alām.
Bārakallāhu fīkum.
Jazākumullahu Khayran.

14th Rajab, 1442H.




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