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Al-Fawāid: Day of Resurrection 02



Imām Abū ‘Abdullah Muhammad bn Abī Bakr bn Ayyub Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah

And then Allāh calls them to reflect about the source of their sustenance, food, wears, rides, and their gardens, which is the water that He sends from the sky and blessed it until He produces with it different gardens of different fruits and vegetables be it white, black, red, yellow, sweet, sour. And their differences in terms of usage. And also produces through it grains of different benefits, qualities, shapes and amounts. And he singled out palm trees due to what it contains of lesson and meaning which is apparent for the one who reflects.

Then Allāh describe the prophethood with the best description, conscise words, and purifies it from all suspicions or doubts. And He said that, verily, He sent Messengers to the people of Nuh, ‘Ād, thamūd, Lūt, Fir’awn, but they all disbelieved in them. Thus, He destroyed them with different kinds of destruction and He established the truthfulness of what the Messengers informed them of wrath if they disbelieve.

This is the proof of their prophethood and the prophethood of the one who Informed us about them without learning that from a teacher nor read from a book. In fact, He informed us about it in an explicit manner and in accordance to what is found in the book of Injīl.

Allāhu A’alām.
Bārakallāhu fīkum.
Jazākumullahu Khayran.

15th Rajab, 1442H.




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