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Al-Fawāid: Pondering Over the meaning of the Glorious Qur’an



Imām Abū ‘Abdullah Muhammad bn Abī Bakr bn Ayyub Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah

Know verily – may the blessings of Allāh Ta’āla be upon you – that, people are of different heart regarding pondering over the meaning of the Quran. There are some with pious and natural heart. Therefore, whenever they ponder and mediate over the texts or the Holy Quran, the heart will lead them to the truth of the Quran and they will believe in it thereof. Hence, the Quran increases the light in their heart over the natural one and this is the condition of the one who possessed a living heart that testifies to the light of the Divine.

However, there are some out there who doesn’t have a living and aware heart. Then such a heart needs a witness to show it what’s right and wrong, for the life and natural light of this heart do not reach of the owner of a sound and living heart.

Hence, The only way for it to attain guidance is to dedicate his hearing to the words of the Quran and his heart to ponder and comprehend its meaning. He will then realize that it is certainly the truth.

The first stage, is the state of the one who sees what he’s being called to with his own and told about.

And the second stage, is the state of the one who knows the truthfulness of the one calling him and believe in him and says,” His information is enough for me”and this person is in the level of Imān while the first is in the level of Ihsān. The first has reach ilmul Yaqīn and his heart move to the level of ‘Ainul Yaqīn while the other has unshakable belief, which protect him from disbelief and enabled him to enter into Islām.

Therefore, hasten to increase the status of your heart to that of the living and aware heart so that you may prosper.

Allāhu A’alām.
Bārakallāhu fīkum.
Jazākumullahu Khayran.

27th Rabiu Ath-thani, 1441H.





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