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Al-Fawāid: Resurrection is Real and Inevitable



Imām Abū ‘Abdullah Muhammad bn Abī Bakr bn Ayyub Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah

Then Allāh Ta’āla points to the fact that Resurrection is real and inevitable. No one would deny this except a liar.

They are in confused with regard to a new creation and that they will be resurrected on The Day of Resurrection. Then Allāh Ta’āla called such people to observe His greatest signs and the evidence of His Divinity, and evidence of the Resurrection which is the creation of man which is amongst the greatest signs of Tawhīd and Resurrection.

Which evidence is more clearer than the composition of Human being with it’s organs, capabilities, attributes, and what it entails of flesh, Bones, veins, nerves, ligaments, systems, knowledge, desires. All these is just a drop in the ocean as against other great evidences.

If the servant is just to himself, he would have suffice himself by pondering on his creation and utilize his existence as a proof for what the Messengers mentioned about Allāh Ta’āla and His beautiful Names and attributes.

Then Allāh Ta’āla told us that His knowledge encompasses humanity to the extent that He knows what the mind of man suggests to him. And He told us about His closeness to man through His knowledge and that He is even nearer to him than his jugular vein and He Has more power over him.

Then why Should he transgress the limits of His creator whereas he shall be hold to account for his deeds.

Allāhu A’alām.
Bārakallāhu fīkum.
Jazākumullahu Khayran.

13th Shaaban 1442H.




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