Al-Muqaddimatu Al-Hadramiyyah
Imām 'Abdullah bn 'Abdirrahmān bn Abī Bakr bn Muhammad Al-Hajj Bā Fadl Al-Qahtānī Al-Hadramī

The Muqaddimatu Al-Hadramiyyah is one of the most well known Primers of the Shāfi’ī Madh’hab and of it’s most widely accepted texts. It is also known as Masā’ilu At-Ta’alīm and Al-Mukhtasar Al-Kabīr.
It was written by the Yemeni and Shāfi’ī Luminary and Polymath Imām ‘Abdullah bn ‘Abdirrahmān bn Abī Bakr bn Muhammad Al-Hajj Bā Fadl Al-Qahtānī Al-Hadramī.
Bā Fadl was born into a home of piety, knowledge and practice in the year 850H and lived his entire life in the pursuit of Ilm, teaching it, Ibādah, and writings… Of his teachers were the Faqih Imām Bāmakhramah, the Faqīh Burhānuddīn Al-Makkī, the Muhaddith Imām Nāsiruddīn Al-Murāghī who was a student of Ibn Al-Jazarī and many others. He was a companion of the ‘Allāmah Imām Abūbakr Al-‘Aydarūs and was prominent in his era for his adept understanding of Fiqh, Hadith and the matters of Qadā.
The Muqaddimah was written by Bā Fadl to attend to the needs of beginners in Fiqh in his home town of Tarīm who commit it to memory after their completion of the Qur’ān.
Bā Fadl sought to abridge and simplify the contents of Imām Ash-Shīrāzī’s book _At-Tanbīh_ in this Primer and relied heavily on the works of Imām An-Nawawī who is one of the two Imāms from whom the Shāfi’ī Madh’hab take their Rājih (Preponderant) positions from.
There are several commentaries and annotative glosses on the _Muqaddimah_, one of them is _Al-Hāshiyatu At-Tarmāsī_ which is an extensive Commentary.
If you want to have a foundational approach to Fiqh in accordance with the Shāfi’ī Madh’hab, you’ll need to study this excellent Primer. May Allāh count us and you among His Servants, Āmīn.