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Ar-Rukhsah in displaying Good Deeds and Concealing Sins



_Imām Ibn Qudāmah -rahimahullāh-_


Know verily – may the blessings of Allāh Subhānahu Wa Ta’ālā be upon you – that, one is highly encouraged and recommended to hide his good deeds from others because it leads to sincerity and by so doing, one is screened from showoff.

However, it is also permissible to reveal one’s good deeds so that others can emulate in that regard and one will be rewarded for such intention. And there are some ”Ibādāt which cannot be done in hidden like Hajj and Jihād.

Thus, whosoever wishes to display his good acts to others so that they can follow his footsteps in that context should first censure his heart; whether his display of the good act is mainly based on sincerity or not, so that he will be saved from showoff which is hidden.

Therefore, he should not be deceived nor allow shaitān to mislead him that he is just trying to show his good deeds for others to emulate whereas deeply in his heart, it is due to showoff.

For this reason, a person with a weak īmān, who lacks deep knowledge about showoff and sincerity should not put himself into this great test by showing his good deeds to others. For most likely, he might not escape from falling into the pit of showoff.

But, a person with a strong īmān, sincerity, who is deeply rooted about the nature of showoff, the plots of shaitān and feel shielded from the negative impact of the praises and blames of people on him, thereby their blames and praises becomes equal to him without no effect, then in this case, there is no harm for such a person to display his good deeds. And this act of unveiling good acts for others to emulate has been narrated regarding our Genius passed salaf.

In this context, it was reported that Abūbakr Ibn ‘Iyyāsh Rahimahullāh said to his son:

_I warn you from sinning against Allāh Ta’āla in this room, for I have recited in it the Glorious Qur’an from cover to cover Twelve thousand times._

And the likes of such words amongst the wordings of the past pious salaf.

Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!

*1st AL-Muharram,1439H.*



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