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Ar-Rukhsah in displaying Good Deeds and Concealing Sins 02



_Imām Ibn Qudāmah -rahimahullāh-_

Know verily that, as for the rukhsah in concealing sins, then hiding it is not classified as showoff. And the sincere and truthful person is the one who doesn’t openly flaunt his sins because Allāh Ta’āla dislikes the showing of sins openly and loves its concealment.

In this context, it is reported from the prophet sallallāhu a’layhi wasallam that He said:

_من ارتكب شيئا من هذه القاذورات، فليستتر بستر الله عز وجل._

_Whosoever commits sins, then let it be concealed with the concealment of Allāh Azza wajal._

Transmitted by Al-Bayhaqī in ‘Assunan Al-Kubraa'(8/330). Shaykh Al-Albānī declared it as Hasan in ‘Assahīhah’#663.

Upon this, even though one might have committed sin, but lack of displaying the sins openly denotes that one love what Allāh Azza wajal loves, and this has to do with the level of īmān in the heart.

Also, one should also dislike the flaunting of sins from others, for it is a sign of sincerity in one’s heart.

In addition, one should hate the blames of others if it occupies one’s heart and turns one away from the obedience of Allah Ta’āla, and dislike praises if it deviates one from Allāh Ta’āla, His remembrance, for this is part of strong īmān.

Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!

*4th Al-Muharram,1438H.*



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