As’halu Al-Masālik of Bashshār Al-Mālikī
Muhammad bn Hasan bn 'Alī bn Sālim Al-Bashshār Al-Misrī Al-Mālikī rahimahullāh.

Amongst the very concise and highly beneficial texts of Mālikī Fiq’h is the As’halu Al-Masālik of the Mālikī Jurisconsult and Polymath by the standard, Muhammad bn Hasan bn ‘Alī bn Sālim Al-Bashshār Al-Misrī Al-Mālikī rahimahullāh.
Muhammad Al-Bashshār was born into a home of Ilm and his father was an ‘Allāmah, a Polymath thus he engaged in Ilm and Ilm-Seeking throughout his life. He lived around 1161 years after Hijrah and was of the later generations. Except that Allāh blessed this writing of his which is one of his many masterpieces of ‘Ilm.
He wrote the As’hal as a Poetrical rendering of the book Targhību Al-Murīd As-Sālik which was a summary of the Risālah that was authored by the Master of Fiq’h of his era Ibrāhim bn Muhammad As-Sakhā’ī – rahimahullāh. As-Sakhā’ī passed away 1080 years after the Hijrah.
The As’hal contains 1,155 lines of beautiful poetry conveying the Official positions in the Mālikī Madh’hab on matters of Fiq’h in accordance with the methodology threaded by the author of Ar-Risālah Ibn Abī Zayd, rahimahullāh.
May Allāh make it’s study easy for you O student of Ilm , amīn.
Jazakumullāhu Khayran
Bārakallāhu Fīkum.