Imām Ibn Qudāmah Al-Maqdisi-rahimahullāh-
At-tafakkur and its Fruits.
Know verily that, contemplation entails the Deen matters, and it also covers the worldly matters, but we will talk about that of the Deen Matters.
In this context, four matters need to be looked into:
A. Obedience.
B. Disobedience.
C. Destructive vices.
D. Means of salvation.
Hence, one should never neglect his soul nor those attributes which distance you from Allāh Ta’āla and those drawing you closer to Him.
Also, you are recommended to have a record book where you can record your inputs regarding these four aspects and account for them.
In case of the destructive vices, you are recommended to censor yourselves from these ten vices:
1. Miserliness.
2. Arrogance.
3. Pride.
4. Showoff.
5. Envy.
6. Anger.
7. Excessive love for food.
8. Excessive love for sexual relationship.
9. Excessive love for wealth.
10. Love for Reputation.
As for the means of salvation, then you should stick to ten basic means:
1. Regretting on the sins committed.
2. Patience on adversities.
3. Being pleased with the decree of Allāh Ta’āla.
4. Expressing gratitude on blessings.
5. Balancing between fear and hope.
6. Zuhd in the worldly affairs.
7. Sincerity in action.
8. Good manners with others.
9. Love of Allāh Ta’āla.
10. Piety.
These are twenty major attributes, ten which are blameworthy and the others are praiseworthy. Whenever you evaded one of the blameworthy characters, you should record it in your record book, and you should hasten to show gratitude to Allāh for safeguarding you from the vice since it is only through His Tawfīq and assistance.
After that, you should go for the rest of the nine vices until you get rid of all of them.
Likewise, the same method should be applied in sticking to the ten means of salvation. And this can only be done by the one who is determined and serious.
Allāhu A’alām.
Bārakallāhu fīkum.
Jazākumullahu Khayran.
15th Rajab, 1441H.