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Distribution of Status in the Hereafter on the Ground of Good and Bad Acts in the Dunya 02



_Imām Ibn Qudāmah -rahimahullāh-_

Know verily, may Allāh illumine your heart that, whoever have faith, and avoids all major sins, and performs all the obligatory aspects in the best form, and only commits the minor sins in seclusion without persistence, then there is hope that he may be forgiven and this is in accordance to what is mentioned in the text.

Upon this, is either he is joined with the closed servants of Allāh, or with the companions of the right hand on the Day of Qiyāmah depending on his faith and Yaqīn,

And if his Imān is weak, his status will be lowered, and if his Imān is strong, then his status will be lifted.

Also, the devout servants are of different degrees depending on their knowledge of Allāh Ta’āla, the degrees of the knowledgeable ones are uncountable; this is because the sea of knowledge has no border, but the divers will only dive in accordance to their capability, for the highest degrees of the companions of the right hand is the lowest degree of the devout servants of Allāh.

As for the one who commits the major sins, or neglects the pillars of Al-Islām, if he make a sincere repentance, he will be forgiven before the death rattle, and he will be in the company of those that avoid the major sins, for the fact that, the one who repents is like one who has no sins and also, a washed cloth is like a cloth without stain.

But if he dies before repentance, then his affair is dangerous, because his imān may be dangling due his persistence on sins which may lead to an evil ending, especially if his Imān was built on blind imitation, and it may deteriorate just mere doubts, whereas those with firm belief are far from having evil ending except in some cases.

The punishment of the one who dies without sincere repentance depends on the ugliness of the major sins and the period of his persistence on the sins.

Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!

*5th Ramadān,1439H.*




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