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Awrād for Different Categories of People.



Imaam Ibn Qudaamah Al-Maqdisi -rahimahullaah-

Different Awrad for different categories of people.

Know verily that, People who tread in the path of the Hereafter are of six divisions:

1). The worshiper.

This is the one who dedicates all his time to the ibaadat of Allah, Most High. Such a person, should commence on doing as a routine what we have mentioned of the awrad of the day and night.

However, the situations of the worshippers among salaf also differs. Among them, is one who busy himself in reciting the glorious Qur’an, among them is the one who engaged himself In a lot of supplications while others makes a lot of prayers within the day and night.

2). The scholar.

This is person who benefits people with his knowledge in giving verdicts, teaching and writing books. His sequence of awrad is different from that of the worshiper, for he need much time to make a lot of research in books.

However, a scholar Should exert his effort to dividing his time between seeking and teaching knowledge, and worshiping Allah.

3). The student of knowledge.

No doubt, searching for knowledge is better than restricting oneself to only making nawaafil and azkar, for the merits of knowledge cannot be over emphasized.

like the scholars, the student should also divide his time between learning, and worshiping Allah.

4). The ruler, the judge, and those who manage the affairs of the Muslim ummah.

Know verily that, for them to busy themselves with the affairs of the Muslim and hastening to assisting them in their day to day activities is better than occupying themselves with the prescribed acts of worship.

However, In the night, they should offer the awrad of the night.

5). Craftsmen.

These category of people, need to seek for their livelihood moderately, and they does not have to use all their time in searching for knowledge. Thus, they should try to offering what remains of awrad.

6). True lovers of Allah.

These set of people, should stick to offering the awrad and they should have consciousness of Allah in their heart.

In this context, The Messenger of Allah sallallaahu alayhi wasallam said:

“The most beloved deed is the most regular and constant even though it is little”.

Transmitted and recorded by Imaam Bukhaari in his ‘Sahih’#5861 and Imaam Muslim in his ‘Sahih’#783.

Allaahu A’alam! Baarakallaahu feekum!



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