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Ayyuha Al-Walad or Ayyuha Al-Muhibb: The Acceptance of Deeds.



Imām Abū Hamīd
Al-Ghazali – Rahimahullāhu

The Acceptance of Deeds.

Oh beloved son, know that, the one who doesn’t do good deeds shall not be rewarded.

In this regard, ‘Umar Radiyallāhu anhu said:

Account your deeds before you are accounted for them, measure your acts before they are measured against you, and get set for the Day of Resurrection” then he recited:

يَوْمَئِذٍ تُعْرَضُونَ لَا تَخْفَىٰ مِنكُمْ خَافِيَةٌ

On that day you shall be exposed to view– no secret of yours shall remain hidden.

Sūratu Al-Hāqqah, Verse 18.

‘Aliyy Radiyallāhu anhu was reported to have said:

The foolish one is the one who think he can attain Jannah without striving hard nor struggling towards it, and the one with a fruitless effort is the one who thinks he can get to Jannah only through his efforts without Allāh’s Mercy.

Al-Hasan Al-basarī Rahimahullāhu said:

Hoping for Jannah without action is a sin.

He also said:

The truth knowledge is lack of been proud with the abundance of one’s good deeds and not the abandonment of deeds.

The Rasūl Salallāhu alayhi wasallam said:

الكيس من دان نفسه، وعمل لما بعد الموت ، والعاجز من أتبع نفسه هواها، وتمنى على الله الأماني‏.

A wise man is the one who calls himself to account (and refrains from doing evil deeds) and does noble deeds to benefit him after death; and the foolish person is the one who subdues himself to his temptations and desires and seeks from Allah the fulfillment of his vain desires.

Transmitted by Imām At-tirmidhī and declared the Hadīth as Hasan.

Allāhu A’alām.
Bārakallāhu fīkum.
Jazākumullahu Khayran.

1st Ramadān, 1441H.





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