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Az-Zuhd and Poverty



Imām Ibn Qudāmah -rahimahullāh-

Az-zuhd and Poverty.

Know verily – may the blessings of Allāh be upon you – that, preferring this transitory life over the Hereafter is the biggest source of every misguidance and sins, while shunning away from it is the Fountainhead for all obedience.

We will mention the virtue of destesting this Dunya and shunning away from it, for it is the head of every success, and getting rid of it may be through poverty or through Zuhd, and for each of them has levels in the attainment of salvation in this life and the next life.

In shā Allāh, we will mention the definition of poverty, Zuhd, their levels and categories.

poverty means to be in need of a thing, and all creatures are in need of Allāh Ta’āla, for their existence. The needs of a servant are countless. And amongst his needs, is weath, and there are five instance of a servant regarding his seeking of weath.

1). This is the instance of a servant who disliked being engrossed completely in the pursue of wealth since he may be harmed by its evil and distraction, this type of servant is termed as Zāhid.

2). This is the situation of a servant who is neither displeased nor delighted with wealth since he is not harmed by it, this type of servant is called Rādiyan.

3). This is the situation of a servant who prefers wealth over poverty. However, he doesn’t exert all means for its pursue, if it came to him perchance, he is happy, and if otherwise, he is satisfied with little and doesn’t go along way in its pursue, this type of servant is called Qāni’an( the act of being contented)

4). This is the scenario of a servant who gave up the pursue of wealth due to lack of capability, but if otherwise, he will exert all efforts in its pursue even if it requires being engrossed with it, this is called covetousness.

5). This is the case of a servant who is compelled to seek for weath due to lack of basic needs like food, shelters and wears, this person is called the needy.

Allāhu A’alam
Bārakāllāhu fīkum.

8th Dhul Qa’adah, 1440H.





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