Imām Ibn Qudāmah -rahimahullāh-
The highest level amongst these levels is the first level which is Zuhd, and, there is even a level that is more than that of Zuhd, it is for a servant to maintain the same character in case of poverty or wealth.
If he is bestowed with wealth, he is neither carried away nor delighted with it, and he doesn’t feel sad when not given.
In this situation, such a servant will not be affected by the luxuries of this transitory world even if he possses the whole world since he considers wealth in the possession of Allāh not in his hand.
In fact such a servant with this attributes should be called the one who is fully contented since he is not affected by wealth or poverty. And Whenever the Zāhid in this dunya neither seeks the gathering of the luxuries of the dunya nor displeased if not given, then indeed he has reach a peak level in piety.
In this context, it is narrated from ‘Āishah Radiyallāhu anha that she was given money in two purses, but she spent all in that day to the poor ones, then her slave girl said: is it not better that you saved some dirham for us to buy meat for breakfast? She answered: had you reminded me, I would have done that.
Ahmad Ibn Abī Al-Hawārī said to Suleimān Ad-dārānī: Mālik Ibn Dīnār said to Al-Mughīrah: go to my house and take the Zakah that was given to me, for verily, Shaitān has whispered to me that may be thief has stolen it, Abū Suleimān then said: this is a weak form of Zuhd, since he did Zuhd in what he should not have taken in the first place.
Hence, shunning away from the luxuries of this transitory life and renouncing it by the weak ones is a perfection, as for the case of the Prophets and the strong ones both poverty and richness are equal, and the strong ones may choose to proclaim the renouncement of wealth so that the weak ones may emulate them in that regard.
Allāhu A’alam
Bārakāllāhu fīkum.
14th Dhu Al-Qa’adah, 1440H.