Daily Posts

Begging is Haram



Imām Ibn Qudāmah -rahimahullāh-

Know verily – may the blessings of Allāh be upon You – that, Begging is Haram since it is not free from three major setbacks:

1). Complain.

2). Humiliating oneself, and a believer is not allowed to humiliate himself in the sight of others.

3). Most often than not, it hurts the one who is asked.

However, it is permissible to ask in case of serious necessity such as severe hunger which will certainly lead to death or sickness, and the naked person who has no clothe to cover up himself.

One is also allowed to ask in case of an important issue like the one who has only trouser without shirt in winter, so he suffers serious cold though not up to the stage of necessity of loosing his life.

Likewise, the case of a Traveller who finds it difficult to walk, it is permissible for him to ask others for his transport fare, though abstaining from asking is preferable.

And also, whoever possessed bread but lacks what to eat the bread with can ask others even though it is highly disliked. And it is also disliked for the one who is capable of traveling but chose to ask others for his journey.

It is recommended for the one asking to show gratitude to Allāh in every situation, he should not ask others based on just mere needs, rather he should be contented with the little he has and should never seek for luxuries.

And he is also recommended to first ask his parents, relatives or friends who will not belittle him due to that, or a generous person who has prepared his wealth for charity, so doing, he shall be out from humiliation.

And it is not permissible for him to take from the one who gave him the wealth out of shyness, rather, he should return it to him because it wasn’t given willingly.

And it is not permissible for the poor person to ask for more than his needs be it his wears, shelters and his daily food.

And despite this, he should put into consideration what he needs at a specific time without exceeding its limit, if he knows someone whom he can ask everyday, then it is not permissible to ask for more than what will satisfy him for his daily food, and if he fears that he might not find someone to give him later, or he fears that he might not be capable to ask again, then it is permissible to ask for more than his daily food.

Therefore, In summary, it is not permissible for him to ask for more than what will satisfy him for a year. To this effect, a Hadīth was reported by At-tirmidhī and Shaykh Al-Albānī declared it as Sahih in which the Rasūl Salallāhu alayhi wasallam evaluated a rich person as having fifty dirham, which suffices a single moderate person for a year, as for the one with many families, then that will not suffice.

Allāhu A’alam
Bārakāllāhu fīkum.

6th Muharram , 1441AH.





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