Imām Ibn Qudāmah -rahimahullāh- said:
If it was asked:
How can a negligent heart from the blessings of Allāh Ta’āla be censored?
Answer: As for the heart with deep insight, it ponders around the clock regarding the different blessings of Allāh Ta’āla upon it, As for the negligent heart which doesn’t consider blessings as blessings except when tried with a calamity, then it is for one to always look at the one who is inferior to one. And one is highly recommended to thread the path of the salaf. For they used to go to hospitals in order to see how others are afflicted with different types of diseases, by so doing, they will show gratitude to Allāh for their being healthy and safety from such setbacks. Hence, hasten to always pay visit to the sick ones so that you will realize that Allāh Has Indeed blessed you but you overlooked such graces.
And at times, they used to attend places where criminals are been killed, their hands and legs cut off, and punished, then they would hasten to show gratitude to Allāh for saving them from such punishment.
And at times, they also used to visit graveyards, then they will remember that the most beloved thing to the dead person is for him to be given another opportunity to return to the world in order to rectify his errors and to also catch up what he left behind of good deeds, for the day of Qiyāmah is the day of loss for others and gain for others. Thus, one is expected to also practise this good deed of visiting graveyards once in while. After that, one should utilize the rest of one’s life in the obedience of Allāh Ta’āla and showing gratitude to Him for delaying one’s life for another opportunity to rectify the vices. Hence, the main goal thereof is to prepare for the Hereafter.
Lastly, one should also remember that lack of expressing gratitude to Allāh leads to the disappearance of graces.
In this context, it was reported that Fudayl Rahimahullāhu Ta’āla said:
_Stick to gratitude upon blessings, for hardly will a blessing miss a people and still return to them._
Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!
*24th Rabī’u Al-Awwal,1440H.*