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Being Pleased with the Decree of Allāh `Azza Wa Jalla



Imām Ibn Qudāmah Al-Maqdisi-rahimahullāh-


Know, whoever is overwhelmed with the closeness to Allāh, then he will desire seclusion. Reason being that, one will be delighted with solitude and feel burden with other than that.

And know that, when one is overwhelmed with solitude and it perpetuates, it may cause Informality. And this might be munkar in itself since it yields boldness when it is observed by the knowledgeable person.

However, if it is observed by the ignorant person, it might lead him to kufr at times.

In this regard, it is reported that Abī Hafs met a dazzled man on the way, he then said:

Oh man what’s the matter? The man answered: I lost my donkey and I don’t have any apart from it. Then Abū Hafs said: “By your glory Oh Allāh, I will not move an inch before You restore the donkey of this man.” The donkey then appeared.

Abū Ad-Darda Radiyallāhu anhu visited a man on his deathbed while the man was praising Allāh Ta’āla. Abū Ad-Darda Radiyallāhu anhu then said: You are right, verily, if Allāh ‘Azzawajal Decrees a thing, He loves His servant to be pleased with it.

And Ibn Mas’ūd Radiyallāhu anhu said:

Verily, Allāh Ta’āla out of His justice Has placed delight and joy in Yaqīn and pleasure, and He placed sorrow and grief in suspicion and aversion.

Al-Hasan Rahimahullāhu said:

Whoever is pleased with his destiny, finds sufficiency in it, and Allāh blesses it for him, and whoever is not pleased with his destiny, doesn’t find sufficiency and Allāh will not bless it.

Allāhu A’alām.
Bārakallāhu fīkum.
Jazākumullahu Khayran.

1st Rabī’ul Thāni, 1441H.





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