Imām Ibn Qudāmah Al-Maqdisi-rahimahullāh-
And it has been clear from what we explained that it is possible for one to be pleased with what conflicts his desires. And this can be further elucidated from three aspects:
1). The believer believes that Allāh Ta’āla controls his affairs better than him. It is reported from Makhul who said: I heard Ibn ‘Umar Radiyallāhu anhu saying: verily, a Man seeks the counsel of Allāh, then He chooses that which is best for him, then he becomes displeased with it, however, considering the end, he finds it better for him.
2). Being pleased with the pain due to the reward awaiting him.
3). Being pleased with the pain not because of any benefits behind it, rather it is something beloved to him. Thus, it becomes the beloved thing to him in order to please his beloved, even if it involves sacrificing his life. The way it was said: I feel no pain of suffering if my suffering pleases you thereof.
That said: we have mentioned that a servant may be overwhelmed with love so much that he doesn’t feel the pain of adversity, and the one who has not attained this level should not deny it; because he lacks it due to his negligence in his love.
For the one who never tastes the delight of love doesn’t know its true nature.
Indeed a dumb person will surely deny the existence of sweet voices. Likewise, the one lacks deep insight in the heart, will surely deny this delight of love which is found in the heart.
Allāhu A’alām.
Bārakallāhu fīkum.
Jazākumullahu Khayran.
10th Rabī’ul Thānī, 1441H.