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Benefits of Wealth and Its Setbacks and Calamities



_Imām Ibn Qudāmah Al-Maqdisi -rahimahullāh-_

3). For one to spend for the benefit of all, example building mosque, bridges, schools etc.

In summary, these are the benefits of wealth in the deen apart from what one may obtain of benefits in this dunya such as safeguarding oneself from depending on others, being honored amongst people, and the heart is at ease.

As for the setbacks and calamities of wealth, it is divided into two; that which is related to the deen and that of the dunya.

As for the deen, it has three basic calamities:

I). Wealth often lead to evil and sins, for the wealth may push one into evil except the one who Allah saves.

Wealth also gives one opportunity to go for anything the heart desires. And doing so, one may destroy oneself by one’s hand.

Therefore, for one to be patient from those desires is beloved and better, though it is not easy. For the pain and fitna one may encounter during this patience are higher and greater as against when one doesn’t have the money.

II). It gives way for indulging excessively in mubāhāt to the extent that it becomes one habitual act and one may not be patient from it thereof, and at times, one may not be able to attain those except with some shubuhāt and that will lead to hypocrisy and compromise.

In addition, many individuals like to associate themselves with the rich ones due to what they may gain from them.

By that, the rich person may not escape nor prevent himself from hypocrisy, enmity, envy, backbiting, all these are done in order to win over the heart of those people he relates with and in order to boast his wealth.

*27th Sha’bān,1438H.*

Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!



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