Imām Abū Hamīd
Al-Ghazali – Rahimahullāhu
3. Beware of mingling with the leaders due to it drawbacks and calamities. And if you happened to be with them one way or the other, then don’t praise them.
This is because Allāh will send His wrath whenever a Fāsīq or oppressor is praised. Also, praying for him to have a long life is as though one wants the disobedience of Allāh Ta’āla to continue on the earth. Hence, fear Allāh, and shun away from this.
4. Don’t accept gifts from the leaders even though it’s known to be Halal. Reason being that, covetousness destroys your Dīn thereby making you to incline towards them, to be okay with their corruption, love and praise them. And all these are forms of destructions in the Dīn. Thus, take heed.
And the least of the evil that may befall you when you accept their gift is that, your heart become soften towards them and the heart of a sound believer is never soften towards an oppressor.
And whosoever loves a person wishes for him a long life and the existence of an oppressor is a fitna to the servant of Allāh Ta’āla and the universe.
Beware and be mindful not to be deceived by the shaiyātīn or the wrong statement of some ignorant people who claim that it is preferable to accept Money from such oppressor, and share it amongst the poor ones, since oppressor spends money on corruptions.
Know that, shaitān has lured a lot of people in this axis with his whispers and the calamities are many indeed. we have mentioned them in “Ihyā Al-‘Ulūm” you can seek for them there if you wish.
Allāhu A’alām.
Bārakallāhu fīkum.
Jazākumullahu Khayran.
4th Shawwal, 1441H.