Imām Ibn Qudāmah -rahimahullāh- said:
Then Allāh created organs for man which are used in searching for the food and its like, amongst the organs are the two hands which contain different sections in order to ease free movements in different directions, and they are not like wood.
Then He made hand with five fingers with different lengths, then he placed in two broad sections, in a way that the thumb is in one part and the rest of the fingers in other part. Had they been choked together, then the goal would have been defeated. Then He created nails on the tips on the fingers to strengthen them and handle tiny things which can not be handled by the fingers.
However, taking the food with the hand is not enough until it gets to the stomach. For this reason, He created the mouth to serve as entrance for the food to the stomach. The mouth contains teeth, then He classified the teeth according to their roles, some are used for chewing while others are used for breaking food. The lower jaw are made free to move while the upper jaw are stationed, then look at the wonders of Allāh in what He created, and every mill which was created by man has its lower part stationed while its upper part is free, except this mill which was created by Allāh; had the upper part been free, those organs which it controls would be in danger.
Also take a look at the blessing of Allāh on you regarding the Tongue, it roams around the mouth, and it takes the food from the middle to the teeth based on needs, like the way a scoop takes food to the mill, not to even mention the miracle of speech.
Imagine, you chewed a food which is completely dry, definitely you will not be able to swallow except with a liquid in order to smoothen it. Therefore, Allāh Ta’āla Has created salivary glands under the tongue to serve as a smoother for food in the mouth.
Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!
*14th Rabī’u Al-Awwal,1440H.*