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Blessings of Allah on His Creation 02


Imām Ibn Qudāmah -rahimahullāh- said:

Then take a look at the creation of will and power, and various elements of movement amongst different graces which are uncountable. Any deficiency in them causes set back in human creation.

For instance, if one is bestowed with eyes which are used to sight things such as food, but one lacks desires and urge which encourage one to seek for the food, then one’s sight regarding the food will be of no use.

For how many times will a patient behold a food which is beneficial to him, but couldn’t get to eat it because he lacks the urge for it.

Then Allāh created an appetite for food, if this appetite is not balanced with what is required of food, one will definitely pass the limit on eating and be destroyed at the long run. However, Allāh created satiation in order to curb one’s appetite and to be able to abandon the food at the best time.

Likewise, the desires in marital relationship so as to keep the existence of man on earth.

Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!

7th Rabīu’ Al-Awwal,1440H.




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