_Imām Ibn Qudāmah -rahimahullāh-_
Know verily that, these are the calamities and setbacks of showoff we mentioned in our past posts in general.
For this, one is highly encouraged and recommended to learn about them so that one can safeguard oneself from falling into its pit.
Also, one should strive hard to purify one’s heart from all sorts of showoff be it the hidden and apparent ones. For verily, showoff is more obscured and hidden than the crawling of a black ant in the night time. Thus, one should never feel secured from falling into it.
Moreover, It is upon one to make to be contented for having knowledge about the commandments of Allāh for all deeds and such character, is amongst the attributes of those who fear Allāh and hope For His Mercy and Reward.
Therefore, one should never lose hope nor despair that one cannot attain the status of sincerity. Rather, one should struggle hard to attain it. And if one think one cannot attain the position of sincerity due to weakness, then in this case, one need to double one’s effort to scale through the obstacles in order to obtain one’s goal so that one can prosper in this dunya and in the next life to come.
Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!
*16th Al Muharram,1438H.*