_Imām Ibn Qudāmah Al-Maqdisi -rahimahullāh-_
Know verily – may the blessing of Allāh be upon you – that, we mentioned that the Messenger(ﷺ) used to joke. But if one will check critically, one will notice that the joke of the Messenger(ﷺ) consists of three fundamental elements:
*1*. The joke is true in itself not false. Thus, one should not crack joke based on lies and fabrication, for this is completely against the sunnah of the beloved Messenger(ﷺ).
*2*. The joke basically is with women, children and the weak ones amongst men. This is because joking with an elderly person in age or status is like one is disrespecting him.
*3.* The joke is not a habitual act and it is infrequently done. Therefore, one should not make make joke one’s habitual act or identity.
And we should know that, some people have wrongly used the hadith of ‘Aisha radiyallāhu anha which says; “While the Ethiopians were playing with their small spears, the messenger of Allāh(ﷺ) screened me behind him and I watched and kept on watching till I left on my own” as evidence to busy themselves with amusement and play. This is wrong and it is a misplacement of evidence. For this act of Ā’isha radiyallāhu anha is not frequent, it is rarely done and she never takes that as habitual act.
Thus, exceeding the limit in cracking joke and making it a habitual act is highly discouraged and forbidden.
For it washes away one’s dignity, respect and it brings about hatred and grudges.
But if the joke is moderate and it doesn’t involve lies and offensive words like that of our beloved Messenger(ﷺ), then it is encouraged and recommended because it brings happiness to the heart.
*13th Jumādā Al-ūlā, 1438H.*
Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!