_Imām Ibn Qudāmah -rahimahullāh-_
*1). Showing off in the affairs of the Deen.* And this is of different types:
A). Showing off regarding appearance; like slimness to show that one is really serious and busy with the affairs the Hereafter and one doesn’t have time to eat, or showing off with scattered hair to indicate one is vigorously occupied with struggling for the deen, therefore, no time to maintain or comb the hair.
And also, lessening the voice to indicate piousness, sinking of the two eyes to show lack of sleeping due to much of ‘Ibādāt, and the withering of the lips to show that one is constantly fasting.
For this, ‘Īsah Ibn Maryam ‘alayhissalam was reported to have said:
Whosoever fasts amongst you let him anoint his head and comb his hair. This is because of what He fears for the person fasting of the calamities of showing off.
As for the people of the dunya, they used to show off by displaying their good structure, fatness, good appearance, smooth skin, beautiful face and clean wears.
*2). Showing off through dressing.* This is like pretending to be pious, humble and have piety during walking, and trying to create a sign of sujud on the forehead to indicate much sujud, wearing a thick, tattered, torn cloth made from cotton to denote zuhd, raising the cloth above the expected level, reducing the sheath.
And also wearing of rags and blue dress in order to copy the sufis while one’s heart is empty of their good attributes. And covering the face with turbans in order to call the attention of others.
In addition, some suits status in the side of the righteous people by wearing a dirty, tattered, thick and torn cloth in order to show them that they are of pious ones.
Thus, if such people are compelled to wear a moderate, clean cloth like that of the past predecessors, it will just be as though one want to slaughter them, fearing that people may say: so so people have changed from their path of zuhd.
*28th Shawwal,1438H.*
Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!