_Imām Ibn Qudāmah -rahimahullāh-_
*5). Showing off with the togetherness of the pious ones;* this involves showing off with the privilege of studying under many ulama or the opportunity of being together with a popular devout worshipper. Such a person may even say; “Don’t you know who am I? I have met many scholars, and I studied under them.”
This person is bragging and showing off with the opportunity that Allah bestowed upon of studying under ulama in order to suit position and prestige in the heart of the people.
And of them are those who only suits for position, and how many devout worshippers out there who secludes themselves in mountains and not seeking from what is in the hand of the people, but just to attain certain position at the end of it and this is form of waste of effort and time.
And amongst them, are those whose primary goal and intention is just to search for wealth, while others suits for praises, reputation and the likes.
However, if it was said: *Is Showing off completely Haram or is it disliked or permissible?*
*Answer*: in it are of different classifications, is either it is done through act of ‘Ibādāt or with something else.
If the showing off is done through act of ‘Ibādāt, in this case, it is completely *Haram*, for the one who is showing off with his prayer, charity, hajj and the likes is a sinner and it is wājib upon him to repent immediately.
And also, his ‘Ibādāt is not mainly for the sake of Allāh Azzawajal in this case, thus, the person has fallen in the wrath of Allāh by so doing and his deeds shall not be accepted.
But if the showing off is done through something else not ‘Ibādāt, then, it is not *Haram* in itself for the fact that one suits prestige in the heart of the people, it is just like seeking for wealth.
And the way it is possible for the ignorant people to suit for wealth through deception and unlawful means, likewise it is applicable in terms of status.
*6th Dhul Qa’dah,1438H.*
Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!