Daily Posts

Categories of Sins



_Imām Ibn Qudāmah -rahimahullāh-_


Know verily, may the blessings of Allāh Ta’āla be upon you that, man has many characters and sifāt, but sins generally spring out from major qualities:

*1). The Dominance Quality.*

These are qualities which are natural in man except those who strive hard to censor their hearts from them. Some of those qualities are pride, self conceit, love of praise, arrogance, seeking of reputation, and the likes, and all of these qualities are fallacies, while some people are ignorant about them and they never regard them as sins.

*2). The Shaitānic Quality.*

These are qualities which are related to shaitān such as envy, oppression, deception, plots, trickery, hypocrisy, commanding fasād and the likes. Thus, these qualities lead to a lot of destruction.

*3). The Animalistic Quality.*

These are bad qualities which are related to animals but man attaches those qualities to himself thereby committing sins through them. Some of these qualities are covetousness over food and sexual desires which leads to Zina, homosexual, stealing, sticking to destruction due to desires.

*4). The Furious Quality.*

There branches from it anger, hatred, killing and beating others without any justification, seizing wealth in a forceful form, and all these sifāt have some level of graduation in their nature.

The Animalistic quality always overpowers first, then follow by the furious quality, and then when there is combination of these two qualities in a person, that will make his mind to stick to the Shaitānic qualities be it deception, trickery, deceit, and then the Rubūbiyyah qualities dominate.

Hence, these are major sins and their sources. Then, these sins spring out from these sources into the organs and the heart; like kufr, bid’a, nifāq, concealment of evil, and some are found in the faculty of sighting, hearing, some are connected to the tongue, stomach, private parts.

while others are related to the hands and legs, and some are allocated in the whole of the body, and there is no need explaining in details because it is clear and apparent.

Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!

*29th Sha’bān,1439H.*




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