_Imām Ibn Qudāmah -rahimahullāh-_
As for the smallest amongst the minor sins, the exact is not known, but the Ulamā have talked about the numbers of major sins; it was reported from Ibn Mas’ūd Radiyallāhu anhu that he said: they are four, and it was reported from Ibn ‘Ūmar Radiyallāhu anhumāh that he said: they are seven.
When Ibn ‘Abbas Radiyallāhu anhu heard the statement of Ibn ‘Umar that he said: they are seven, he replied by saying: they are closer to seventy than seven.
Abū Sālih reported from Ibn ‘Abbās that he said: the major sins are those sins that require Hadd( prescribed punishment) in this dunya.
And from Ibn Mas’ūd Radiyallāhu anhu that major sins start from sūratu An-Nisa to where Allāh says:
_إِن تَجْتَنِبُوا كَبَائِرَ مَا تُنْهَوْنَ عَنْهُ…_
_If you shun the great sins which you are forbidden,.._
Sūratu An-Nisa, verse 31.
And Sa ī’d Ibn Jubair and others said:
The major sins are every sins which Allāh has promised their doers with entering into Hell.
And Abū Tālib Al-Makkī said:
The Major sins are seventeen and I combined them from different narrations:
Four are found in the heart which are: Ash-shirk, insistence on sins, and despairing from the Mercy of Allāh, and feeling secured from the plan of Allāh Ta’āla.
And four are also found with the tongue: false witness, slandering chaste women, false oath, and sorcery.
And three are found with the stomach: drinking of beer, and eating the wealth of the orphans unjustly, and taking of Ribā ( Usury).
And two are found with the private part: Adultery, and homosexuality.
And two are also found with the hands: murdering and stealing.
And one is found with the legs: fleeing from the battlefield.
And the remaining one is found on the entire body which is being undutiful to one’s parents.
Though, the major sins can be more than that or they may not be up to that, for beating the orphan unjustly and punishing him is greater than devouring usury, And Allāh Knows best.
Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!
*3rd Ramadān,1439H.*