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Cautious From Being Angry 02



_Imām Ibn Qudāmah Al-Maqdisi -rahimahullāh-_

Know verily – may the blessing of Allāh be upon you – that, It was reported that iblīs la’natullāh ‘alayhi appeared to prophet Musa ‘alayhissalam, and said to him:

_Oh Mūsa, beware of anger, for verily, I used to play with a man that is angry the way children play with a ball, and also beware of women, For I have never set up a trap that is more pleasing to me like the ambush I made with women, and beware of miserliness, for I used to destroy the dunya and the Hereafter of the miser one._

And they used to say:

_Fear anger, for it destroys Imān and it is the enemy of intellect._

Moreover, anger is the eruption or bubbling of the blood of the heart In order to seek for revenge or reprisal, thus, whenever a man is angry, the flame of the anger agitates seriously and it makes the blood of the heart to bubble, and it spreads to veins, and goes to the upper part of the body, the way a boiling water raises up in a pot, for this reason, the face, the eye and the outer skin becomes red, and these shows the true color of the heart during anger, the way a glass always takes the color of the substance in it.

The blood flattened and attains its balanced point when the angry person was a able to unleash his anger on the person who is not up to him in status or level.

And if the anger is caused by someone who is more than him in power or status, due to that, he lost hope for retaliation, the blood of the outer layer of skin shrinks to the inner core of the heart, thus, he becomes angry, and his skin becomes yellowish in color, and if the anger is caused by someone that his power or status is not ascertained, the blood dangles between shrinking and spreading out or expanding, thus, the skin becomes red at times and at times, it becomes yellowish in color and it weakens.

In addition, the stronger the level of the anger, the quicker the will for retaliation.

*9th Jumādā Ath-thāni, 1438H.*

Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!



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