Halqah Series

Chapter of Fasting from the Book: Bulūgh Al-Marām by Hāfidh Ibn Hajar -rahimahullah. 02

Halqah Series: Episode 50

الحمد لله رب العالمين والصلاة والسلام على أفضل خلق الله وعلى آله وصحبه ومن والاه

We shall continue our class from where we stopped.
Assalam alaikum Wa Rahmatullah Wa barakatuh

Last time we discussed on the hadith of Abu hurayrah in which preceding Ramadan with a day’s fast or two days.
Today we shall discuss the next hadith

The hadith of Ammar bin Yaasir
On the authority of Ammar bin Yaasir radiallahu anhu, he said; anyone that fast on the day of which there is doubt about, has disobeyed Aba Al Qaasim.
Imam Bukhari mentioned it as a comment in the book of fasting. Abu Dawood, At Tirmidhi, An Nasaai, Ibn Maajah, Ahmad, Ibn Khuzaima, and Ibn Hibbaan, narrated it as a mausool hadith.
A hadith mausool is the one which has no defect in its chain except the connection with the rasul alaihi salam
And imam Bukhari’s mention of the hadith in this manner, it carries the ruling of a sahih hadith
Secondly, does this hadith carries the ruling of marfoo (one that whose chain is directly connected to the rasul) or it carries the ruling of maukoof (the one whose chain stops on the sahabi)?
It carries the ruling of marfoo in principle and not the ruling of a clear marfoo.
This is because a hadith is only declared marfoo if it comes with the wording of the rasul alaihi salam said…. (of example)
But if a sahabi said, we were ordered to…, or we were prevented from…, or wordings that are similar to this, then it takes the ruling of marfoo in principle and not a clear marfoo
So in this case, if the sahabi says,… He has disobeyed, it means that the sahabi understood that the rasul alaihi salam prevent us from the action in question by mentioning a punishment on it or by by clear disapproval of it.
Disobedience mentioned in this case show the action in this case will carry the ruling of haram.
The statement,… The day of which there is doubt about.
It is the day which the people are in doubt whether it is part of Ramadan or part of sha’ban
Such a day can only be the 30th day of sha’ban. However, the doubt only arises if on the 30th day, there exist clouds that prevent the people from seeing the crescent or there exist a big mountain that obscures their view.
As regarding identifying the day of doubt, scholars are not in concession regarding it.
Some say it is simply the 30th day even if there is no cloud or any covering
However, the strongest view is what we have mentioned because the month in Islam can either be 29 or 30.

Lessons derived from the hadith include:

Lesson 1.

It is haram to fast on the day of doubt. This is because Ammar radiallahu anhu was conclusive in referring to it as a sin.
And anything which is described as a sin carries the ruling of haram
if we join it with the hadith of Abu Hurayrah that we have treated earlier, we will discover the following
Fasting two days before Ramadan is makrooh, while fasting a day before Ramadan is haram with the condition that it is a day of doubt.

Lesson 2
Referring to the Rasul -alaihi salam- as the the father of Al Qaasim
Referring to him in this manner can be because of his duty of differentiating between the people. As he -alaihi salam- said in a hadith
I am indeed the Qaasim while Allah is the bestower.
He differential the people based on the message he brought into Muslims and kufaar, sincere ones and the hypocrites
He differential the people based on the message he brought into Muslims and kufaar, sincere ones and the hypocrites
Because one can be named based on what he is best known with
Just as Abu Hurayrah -radiyallahu anhu- is called Abu Hurayrah because he used to always hold a cat
Secondly, he might be called Aba Al Qaasim because he has a son called Qaasim

Lesson 3
it is allowed to narrate a hadith based on its meaning. And not by the direct wordings of the rasul alaihi salam
Although narrating it with the direct wordings of the rasul alaihi salam is best, however, it might be that the sahabi forgot the direct wordings and thus narrated it by its meaning
With this we come to the end of today class.

We pray Allah accept from us and make us benefit from what we have learnt.
صلى الله عليه وسلم
Wa salaam alaikum Wa Rahmatullah Wa barakatuh



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