Daily Posts

Commanding Good and Forbidding Evil 02



_Imaam Ibn Qudaamah Al-Maqdisi -rahimahullaah-_

Know verily that, if one should see a fāsiq with a bottle of beer in one of his hand and a sword in the other hand, and one knows that if one should make inkār on him regarding the beer he is drinking he will surely cutoff one’s neck with his sword, in this case, it is not permissible for one to make inkār on the fāsiq due to what it may lead to of greater harm. And because it is not something that one should sacrifice his life for completely. And one is only recommended to make inkār if one will be able to stop the munkar and there is benefit in one’s action towards rectifying the evil.

In addition, what we mean by having knowledge of whether harm may befall one or not during the inkār is that one should have high assurance on his situation. Whosoever have high assurance that harm will befall him if he should make inkār, in this case, it is not wājib for him to make the inkār. But if he has high assurance that harm will not befall him by his making inkār, in this case it is wājib to make inkār.

However, one should not be a coward nor a reckless person. Rather, one should be upright in weighing things.

Lastly, what we mean by harm are like beating, killing, and confiscating of one’s properties etc. But abusive words are not considered as harm. Thus, when abusive words are used against one during inkār, one is expected not to bother, for abusive words are not excuse to keep silent in front of evil.

And also because someone who command good and forbid evil will always encounter abusive words from people more often than not.

*20th Safar, 1438H.*

Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!



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